Think tank in space in space Principle as self-sufficient space element

News on topics relating to modern room systems

from woodtec - the leading manufacturer of flexible room-in-room solutions

Today, modern office spaces are much more than a place that you just have to visit because that's where your desk and computer are. The pandemic has shown us at the latest that this place is not really needed for pure knowledge work. Office work in a modern company is characterized by a diverse mix of individual and collective activities. It is to be expected that the focus will shift to community activities in the future. A cultural change away from information silos and towards cross-departmental exchange is forcing the long overdue opening of office space. At the same time, individual opportunities for retreat need to be created that the majority of employees currently do not have. Offices must become a meeting place. They must provide the spatial environment for a communicative club that everyone wants to be a part of. You have to promote spontaneous encounters to give room for chance, i.e. support creativity and flexibility. This cannot be done with colorful and unconventional furniture elements alone. This requires intelligent spatial systems that can support spatial diversity. Room-in-room systems, for example, that make it possible to plan and implement communicative areas in the immediate vicinity of concentrative areas. This requires outstanding acoustic and other properties. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that direct visual relationships are maintained. Ultimately, this visual relationship is the prerequisite for quick and uncomplicated communication and was therefore the reason for opening up the areas.


vetroCUBE supports architecture in the conversion of brownfield sites or other historic buildings for office use

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Room-in-room systems from woodtec optimise the construction company's open-plan office space.

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vetroCUBE uses the centre zone for face-to-face meetings, silentWORK enables virtual meetings at the workplace

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The entire office space does not always have to be converted to make it more efficient. Here, in the case of a large insurance company, the open space…

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The road back to the office is rocky for many employees. That's why companies are trying all the harder to modernize their office space,

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For manufacturing companies, the "place to be" is the store floor. Here, literally translated on the shop floor, it is important to intervene when…

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If you ask Google the question "What makes a modern bank?" you get the following answer: "It works fully automated without human interaction and…

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As a manufacturer, woodtec specialises in the production of room systems for the office.

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Why? Because only a healthy balance of concentration and communication leads to good results!

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Room-in-room system vetroCUBE, now also with increased sound insulation

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